Thursday, November 20, 2014

3D Animatic

Here's a first look at the animatic for our short! Stuff is getting done and we're excited to start rendering within the next week!

UV Progress

                                                                      Temple Exterior


     Arrow Shooter

Some Blendshapes


Art & Production Mgmt Update

Production Management



Matte Painting Test

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Back End Pipeline Update

Back End Pipeline Workflow

This is the basic diagram for backend production work for our team. publishedAssets are contained in a folder on the release side of Copy. They are sorted into moving and non-moving objects.

Ready for work to begin:
Non-moving (static) publishedAssets are referenced into a scene file. The environment geometry was also built in this file. This file will be referenced into the shot file directly.

Moving (animated) objects are referenced directly into takes. All animation happens in the takes file. The scene file is referenced into this file for reference and removed upon publishing animation. Layout and camera animation happen in this file as well.

Under Development:
Light Rigs:
I plan to make light rigs separate files that are referenced into our final shot file. Possible issues will include light linking and color changes in shot files for final lighting.

I plan to bring Effects from Houdini Maya via the Filmbox (.fbx) format. This has been tested with promising results. FBX files will be saved as .ma files and referenced into the shot file separately. Possible issues include light linking.

Shots are the renderable, final files. They collect the animation and layout from takes, the static environment from scenes, the lighting from rigs and the effects from converted FBX files. The only work that should be done in Shots is final lighting.